Meeting with Scientists

Super Advisors

  The Super Advisors have all made outstanding achievements in advanced scientific research and participate in school management, providing guidance and advice on teaching methods.


Akiyoshi Wada

 Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
 Special Advisor of RIKEN


Akito Arima
 Chancellor, Musashi Academy of the Nezu Foundation
 The Former President, The University of Tokyo
 Former Minister of Education, Scienece, Sports and Culture 


Akira Fujishima

 President, Tokyo University of Science
 Special University Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo


Makoto Asashima

 Emeritus Fellow of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
 Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
 Vice President, Tokyo University of Science
 Academic Advisor, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)


 Mr.Makoto Kobayashi

Makoto Kobayashi
   Nobel Laureate in Physics (2008)
 Special Professor, Nagoya University
 Special Professor Emeritus, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization



 Sir Harold Kroto, who had been one of Super Advisors, passed away on April 30, 2016.

 His assistance was greatly beneficial to our school for many years, and we were deeply saddened to hear of his passing.