Education Alliance / Agreement
Education Alliance / Agreement
RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) Yokohama Institute
RIKEN Yokohama Institute and Yokohama City Board of Education has signedthe Agreement on YSFH Educational Cooperation [474KB pdfファイル] As part of the agreement, students from YSFH visit the institute and RIKEN Yokohama Institute dispatches lecturers to YSFH.
What is RIKEN?

RIKEN is a multidisciplinary research organization founded in 1917. It has approximately 3000 scientists on seven campuses and engages in a broad variety of research fields including physics, chemistry, biology, medical science, engineering and computational science, and ranging from basic research to practical applications.
RIKEN Yokohama Institute was founded in 2000 as the hub for RIKEN’s life science research activities, from which it conveys the possibilities in its research findings to the public and contributes to the community through strong local alliances. It is located in the same area with YSFH called "Yokohama Science Frontier Area", a research and development base on Yokohama's waterfront. It is a 13-minute walk from the school.
Link to RIKEN Yokohama
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
JAMSTEC and Yokohama City Board of Education has signed the Agreement on YSFH Educational Cooperation [738KB pdfファイル] As part of the agreement, students from YSFH visit JAMSTEC, and it dispatches lecturers to YSFH. JAMSTEC has signed agreements with 12 universities in Japan but never with high school before.
What is JAMSTEC?

JAMSTEC is a Japanese national research institute for marine and earth science and technology. It has the main objective to contribute to the advancement of academic research in addition to the improvement of marine science and technology by leading fundamental research and development on marine science and cooperative activities on academic research related to the ocean for the benefit of peace and human welfare.
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
What is JAXA?

JAXA is Japan's national aerospace agency formed October 1, 2003 through the merger of three previously independent organizations, the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), the National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan (NAL), and the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA). It performs all their activities in the aerospace field as one organization, from basic research and development to utilization.
Link to JAXA
Yokohama City Board of Education has signed the Agreements on YSFH Educational Cooperation with
Keio University [262KB pdfファイル] 、Yokohama National University [262KB pdfファイル] and Yokohama City University [262KB pdfファイル] .
As part of the agreements, YSFH will, in collaboration with these universities, improve educational content and teaching methods, and provide special lectures.
YSFH has signed the Agreement on Educational Cooperation withBio-Nano Electronics Research Centre, Toyo University [239KB pdfファイル] on July 14, 2012.
The agreement enables YSFH to develop and offer educational programs in nanotechnology and other advanced sciences and mathematics.